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Search for Police Arrests in Eastlake City, Ohio. Results may include: Booking Date, Last Name, First Name, Name ID, Date of Birth, Name ID, Mugshot.
Eastlake, Ohio – Jail and Mugshot Information
Eastlake, Ohio, is a city located in northern Ohio, in Lake County. Eastlake has a population of 18,577 people. Eastlake has a council-mayor style of government. Dennis Morley is the mayor.
City of Eastlake
35150 Lakeshore Blvd
Eastlake, OH 44095
Dennis Morley, Mayor
For the year 2016, Eastlake had a crime index of 132.1, which is lower than the United States national crime index of 280.5. During that year, there was 1 murder in Eastlake. There were 3 robberies and 6 assaults. There were also 54 reported burglaries, 375 reported thefts, 14 reported auto thefts, and 1 reported arson. As of December 2018, there were 19 registered sex offenders living in Eastlake. The ratio of residents to registered sex offenders was 963 to 1.