Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Mecklenburg County Court, NC

Search for Police Arrests in Matthews City, North Carolina. Results may include: Age, Race, Gender, Date Confined, Street Address: City/State/Zip: Race / Gender: Age: Mugshot, Jail Facility Location: Jail POD Location: Incarceration Date/Time: Arrest Date/Time: Arrest Type: Arrest Agency: Arrest Officer: Offense Date/Time, Offense Description, Related Incident, Court Reference, Bail Amount, Bail Type, Arrest Location:

Matthews, North Carolina Jail and Mugshot Information

Matthews is a town found in Mecklenburg County. It is also a suburb of Charlotte. Based on the 2016 census, around 31,495 people live in this area. The current mayor is Paul Bailey. The Town Manager is Hazen Blodgett.

Town Hall:
232 Matthews Station Street Matthews, NC 28105
Phone: 704-847-4411
Fax: 704-845-1964

Mayor’s Office:

Town Manager’s Office:
(704) 708-1230

In 2016, the crime index for Matthews was 200.4 which was lower than the US average (280.5). During this year, there were no reported murders. However, there were 5 reported rapes, 22 reported robberies, 19 reported assaults, 110 reported burglaries, and 909 reported thefts. In addition, there were 56 reported auto thefts and 4 reported arson cases. As of November 2018, 26 registered sex offenders have listed Matthews as their place of residence. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 1,205 to 1 which is smaller than the state average.

Matthews, North Carolina Police Station Information

Matthews had 1,121 reported incidents in 2016 which gave the city a total crime rate of 3,570 crimes for every 100,000 individuals. This was slightly higher than the North Carolina average which was 3,110 crimes for every 100,000 people. Compared to the US average (2,837 crimes for every 100,000 individuals), the city’s total crime rate was also higher. The most frequently reported incident that year was theft.

The Matthews Police Department has approximately 85 full and part-time employees under the command of Police Chief Clark Pennington. There are four divisions within the MPD – Administration, Criminal Investigations, Patrol, and Support Services. The Patrol Division is responsible for handling all calls for service, traffic enforcement, K-9’s, and Animal Control. The Criminal Investigations Division is responsible for conducting all felony investigations, serious misdemeanor investigations, and pattern crimes investigations.

Matthews Police Department:
1201 Crews Road
Matthews, NC 28105
Phone: 704-841-6701
Fax: 704-845-5824

Additional Information:
Address 1: 1201 Crews Rd
City: Matthews
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 28105-7581
County: Mecklenburg County
Phone #: 704-847-4069
Fax #: 704-845-5824
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 23600
Number of Officers: 53

The Matthews Police Department uses the jails run by the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office. The MCJ-Central is located along East Fourth Street. It serves as an arrest processing center and a pre-trial detention facility. Jail North, on the other hand, is Spector Drive. This Direct Supervision Facility holds 614 sentenced inmates who are classified as minimum-medium security risk. All inmates are permitted two free 25-minute on-site personal/family video visits each week, though not on the same day. Any additional internet visits are allowed remotely for a fee.

Jail Central
801 East Fourth Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
(980) 314-5200

Jail North
5235 Spector Drive,
Charlotte, NC 28269
(980) 314-5500

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Matthews, North Carolina

The Records/Communications Division is responsible for processing all police reports generated by the Matthews Police Department. Anyone can visit the police station during normal business hours to submit a request for a copy of a police report. You can call 704-841-6701 to request for a copy of an incident report. With crash reports, you can obtain a copy online through the LexisNexis Police Reports website.

Information / Records Office:
Phone: 704-841-6701
Fax: 704-845-5824

Police Reports in Matthews, North Carolina

You can search the LexisNexis Police Reports database for copies of crash reports filed by the Matthews Police Department. You will need to input the state and jurisdiction as well as the report number, last name and date of incident, or last name and street.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster