Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Unicoi County Court, TN

Search for Police Arrests in Erwin City, Tennessee. Results may include: IDN Number, Court Date, Mugshot, Case, Division, Court Event, Court Role, Case #, Document Type, Booked/Served, Charge.

Erwin, Tennessee Jail and Mugshot Information

Erwin is a town in Unicoi County that also serves as its county seat. According to the 2016 census, there are approximately 5,920 people living in the town. The current mayor is Doris D. Hensley.

Contact the Mayor:

Address: P.O. Box 59, Erwin, TN 37650
Phone: 423-743-6231
Cell: 423-388-8673

There are 20 registered sex offenders who have listed Erwin as their place of residence as of August 2018. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 305 to 1 which is quite near the Tennessee average.

Erwin, Tennessee Police Station Information

Erwin gets an A+ rating for crime and safety because its total crimes are lower than the rest of Tennessee’s by 67%. Compared to the national average, its crime rate is also lower; this time by 59%. According to statistical data, 3.17 daily crimes happen in the town for every 100,000 individuals. Individuals in the town have a 1 in 87 chance of experiencing a crime. And the town’s crime rate just keeps getting lower. Its total year over year crimes in the town has been reduced by 22%.

The Erwin Police Department’s goal is to maintain a safe and secure environment for the citizens of the town. The department employs 12 full-time sworn police officers, 10 of which belong to the Patrol Division who is tasked with responding to calls fo assistance as well as providing 24/7 police protection. The Criminal Investigation has one investigator who handles all criminal cases. The department also has its own drug lab team comprised of 4 clandestine drug lab certified officers. The entire department is under the command of the Chief of Police who is currently Regan Tilson.

Erwin Police Department Address:

211 N Main Ave, Erwin, TN 37650

Phone Number:


Erwin Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 211 N Main Ave
City: Erwin
State: Tennessee
Zip Code: 37650-1260
County: Unicoi County
Phone #: 423-743-1870
Fax #: 423-743-3983

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 5335
Number of Officers: 10

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Erwin, Tennessee

The City Recorder is the person responsible for fulfilling public records requests. You may submit any questions you have about inspecting public records or obtaining copies by calling 423-743-6231 or sending an email at

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Erwin, Tennessee

Warrants issued by the courts are processed and served by the Unicoi County Sheriff’s Department. If you need to verify a warrant or know something about a person with a warrant, you can contact the department by calling 423-743-1850.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster