Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Anderson County Court, TN

Search for Police Arrests in Oak Ridge City, Tennessee. Results may include: IDN Number, Court Date, Mugshot, Case, Division, Court Event, Court Role, Case #, Document Type, Booked/Served, Charge.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee Jail and Mugshot Information

Oak Ridge has an estimated population of 29,350 based on the 2016 census. The city is located in Anderson and Roane Counties. The county seat of Anderson County is Clinton while the county seat of Roane County is Kingston. The current mayor of Oak Ridge is Warren L. Gooch who is serving his 2nd term. Some of his achievements in this position include the Manhattan Project National Historical Park and the redevelopment of Jackson Square.

Contact the Mayor:

Address: 200 S. Tulane Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Phone: (865) 425-3410
Fax: (865) 425-3409

As of August 2018, 30 registered sex offenders have listed Oak Ridge as their place of residence. The ratio of sex offenders to residents is 1 to 992 which is a lot smaller than the Tennessee average.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee Police Station Information

Oak Ridge is rated an F for crime and safety due to its higher than average crime rate. Compared to the state average, the total crimes in the city are 4% higher. However, compared to the national average, it is 27% higher. Statistically 9.9 crimes occur everyday in the city for every 100,000 people. In fact, 87% of all US cities is considered safer than Oak Ridge. The chances of becoming a victim of a crime is relatively high, 1 in 28. This may be due to the very high increase in the total year over year crimes in the city, by 15031%.

The Oak Ridge Police Department is committed to serving and protecting all the citizens and visitors of the city. It is comprised of several divisions such as the Patrol Division, the largest and most visible unit of the department. The division is responsible for providing 24/7 police coverage of the entire community. It is comprised of several officers which includes K9 officers, motorcycle officers, a School Resource officer, and a Crime Prevention Officer. The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is responsible for conducting general investigations on reported crimes such as murder, burglary, rape, and robbery. These officers also conduct Internal Investigations on their own officers to maintain public confidence and transparency. The head of the entire police department is Chief James T. Akagi.

Oak Ridge Police Department Address:

200 South Tulane Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Phone Number:

(865) 425-3504

Oak Ridge Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 200 S Tulane Ave
City: Oak Ridge
State: Tennessee
Zip Code: 37830-6747
County: Anderson County
Phone #: 865-425-3512
Fax #: 865-425-3607

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 27650
Number of Officers: 50

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Residents of Tennessee are allowed access to the public records of the City of Oak Ridge. All requests to view public records can be called into the City Clerk’s Office at (865) 425-3411. Individuals who wish to obtain copies of public records are required to complete the Open Records Request Form and submit it to the City Clerk’s Office. The cost of a black and white copy is $0.15/page while a colored copy is $0.50/page.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

The Most Wanted Fugitives in Anderson County are listed in the Sheriff’s Department website. These individuals are considered armed and dangerous. If you know anything about the current location of a wanted individual, please contact the Sheriff’s Department immediately at (865) 457-2414 or dial 911.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster