Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Johnson County Court, TN

Search for Police Arrests in Mountain City, Tennessee. Results may include: IDN Number, Court Date, Mugshot, Case, Division, Court Event, Court Role, Case #, Document Type, Booked/Served, Charge.

Mountain City, Tennessee Jail and Mugshot Information

Based on the 2016 census, there are approximately 2,443 living in Mountain City. The town is located in Johnson County and serves as its county seat. The current mayor of the town is Kevin Parsons.

Contact the Mayor:

Address: 210 S Church St., Mountain City, TN 37683
Phone: (423) 727-0353

As of August 2018, 369 registered sex offenders have listed Mountain City as their place of residence. The ratio of sex offenders to residents is 1 to 7.

Mountain City, Tennessee Police Station Information

Mountain City is rated A+ for crime and safety due to its relatively low crime rate. The total crimes in the city are lower than the state average by 73%. Compared to the national average, the crime rate is lower by 67%. Statistically, only 2.56 crimes occur everyday for every 100,000 people. In fact, the odds of becoming a victim of a crime is just 1 in 108. The town is considered much safer than 72% of the cities in the country. More importantly, the city was able to reduce the total year over year crimes by 63%.

The Mountain City Police Department is responsible for handling all police matters within the city limits. The department employs 8 Tennessee POST Commission certified officers and is under the command of Chief Denver Church.

Mountain City Police Department Address:

210 South Church Street, Mountain City, TN 37683

Phone Number:

(423) 727-2909

Mountain City Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 210 S Church St
City: Mountain City
State: Tennessee
Zip Code: 37683-1543
County: Johnson County
Phone #: 423-727-8181
Fax #: 423-727-2911

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 2200
Number of Officers: 8

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Mountain City, Tennessee

The City Recorder is responsible for handling all open records requests. If you wish to inspect or request duplicates of public records, you can contact the City Recorder’s Office at (423) 727-8005.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Mountain City, Tennessee

The Johnson County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for tracking and serving all warrants issued by the county court system. Anyone who wishes to lookup warrants or verify information on a warrant will be required to submit their request in person. If you have information regarding a person with a warrant, you can send your tip to the Sheriff’s Department via email at

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster