Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Eaton County Court, MI

Search for Police Arrests in Charlotte City, Michigan. Results may include: Inmate ID: Gender: Jail Location: Birth Date, Booked: Charges, Bond Amount, Bond Type, Charges, Court, Mugshot.

Charlotte, Michigan Jail and Mugshot Information

The City of Charlotte, Michigan has a population of 9,074. The mayor as of 2018 is Tim Lewis. The city can be found in Eaton County.

Tim Lewis
111 E. Lawrence Avenue
Charlotte, MI 48813

The crime index of Charlotte, as reported by a 2016 statistic, was 261.4. There has been 111 registered sex offenders living in the city, with the residents-sex offender ratio at 82 to 1.

Charlotte, Michigan Police Station Information

A general overview of all the annual reported crimes in Charlotte, MI is displayed. The data has been arranged to make it easier to find both the gross total of reported crimes and the number of crimes reported per 100,000 people in Charlotte, MI. These statistics are further divided into two distinct categories (violent crimes and property crimes) to provide more insight to how prevalent crime is in the area. You’ll find that the rate of crime in Charlotte, MI averages 15% higher than the rest of Michigan while the rate of crime on a national scale is 6% lower than. You’ll find that the occurrence of violent crime in Charlotte, MI is 41% lower than the average rate of crime in Michigan and 31% lower than the rest of the nation. Similarly, crime involving property stands 29% higher than the remainder of the state of Michigan and 2% lower than the nation’s average. Both of these statistics relate to how safe residents and businesses are while performing everyday activities in the Charlotte, MI area.

Facts about crime in Charlotte, Michigan:

  • The overall crime rate in Charlotte is 6% lower than the national average.
  • For every 100,000 people, there are 7.08 daily crimes that occur in Charlotte.
  • Charlotte is safer than 38% of the cities in the United States.
  • In Charlotte you have a 1 in 39 chance of becoming a victim of any crime.
  • The number of total year over year crimes in Charlotte has increased by 14%.

The Charlotte Police Department is an organization committed to the citizens of the community in an effort to preserve, maintain and protect human life, rights and property. Steadfast leadership will direct, empower, mentor and promote individual responsibility and community commitment on the part of its officers and members, with the openness, accountability and transparency requested by the community it represents and the city government and administration it works hand in hand with.

Charlotte Police Department Address:

Lisa Sherman, Chief of Police
111 E Lawrence Ave,
Charlotte, MI 48813
Police Non-Emergency: 541-0767
Phone: 543-1552

The Eaton County Jail has a housing capacity of 374 inmates and is currently staffed by a Captain, a Lieutenant, 7 Corrections Sergeants, 35 Corrections Deputies, and 3 full-time Clerical Support Staff Members. The Jail Health services is staffed by 2 Registered Nurses, 2 full-time and 1 part-time EMT and one clerical staff member. The Food Service is staffed by 5 full-time and one part-time staff member. They also provide the Courts with two Court Security Deputies and one Corrections Deputy who coordinates the Community Corrections Inmate Work Crew Program. Nearly 5,000 individuals are admitted to their facility each year.

In the State of Michigan, an individual is considered an adult at the age of 17 and may be held in jail. Any inmates sentenced to the State of Michigan Prison system start by serving some time in a county jail. Jails like theirs, throughout the country hold diverse populations of inmates from pre-trial detainees those serving sentence on misdemeanor and felony charges to those awaiting transport to the Michigan Department of Corrections Prison system. For example, we may have someone serving time for shoplifting or someone awaiting trial for murder.

Occasionally non-violent inmates at their facility are granted work release by the courts. If Work Release status is granted by a judge the individual is allowed to leave the facility and report directly to work daily returning to the facility after work hours until they have completed the imposed sentence. This program allows them to maintain their present status of employment, so they may return as productive citizens once released from their custody. These individuals are charged a housing fee of $21.00 per day. Money collected from the Work Release program is utilized by Eaton County for the provision of much needed services to their area’s residents.

Inmates in the facility have access to order various items through our Inmate Commissary. Those without money during incarceration receive only legally mandated hygiene and communication materials for which they will be billed after release. The Inmate Commissary is operated in cooperation with Canteen services Inc, and is funded by sales the Counties portion of the review generated is set aside to defray some of the cost of inmate service provided for the betterment of the residents such as education programs. Luxuries like candy bars and coffee are not given to inmates; however, they may be purchased by those who have money other items include health and hygiene, writing and recreational items.

Sentenced inmates at the Eaton County Jail are charged a $32.00 per day housing fee. Billed after they are released if they do not make arrangements to settle the debt, collection procedures are implemented. Inmates are responsible for paying for many of the cost incurred during incarceration including doctor, dentist, nurse visits and other related medical charges incurred at our facility. The goal of this medical payment and collection system, within the guidelines of the law, is to reduce the burden to the taxpayers.

Eaton County Jail also rents space to other counties when available. This generates money to the County’s general fund; thereby, significantly reducing an additional burden to taxpayers.

Contact Information
Country: USA
Address 1: 111 E Lawrence Ave
City: Charlotte
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48813-1573
County: Eaton County
Phone #: 517-543-1552
Fax #: 517-543-8396
Additional Information
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 8600
Number of Officers: 18

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Police Records Request in Charlotte, Michigan

Consistent with Public Act 563 of 2014 amending the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the City of Charlotte has prepared a Written Public Summary of the City’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines relevant to the general public. A copy of this Written Public Summary is available by request from the City Clerk’s Office and is also available online.

Freedom of Information Act Request–Police Department Only:

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster