Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Hertford County Court, NC

Search for Police Arrests in Ahoskie City, North Carolina. Results may include: Age, Race, Gender, Date Confined, Street Address: City/State/Zip: Race / Gender: Age: Mugshot, Jail Facility Location: Jail POD Location: Incarceration Date/Time: Arrest Date/Time: Arrest Type: Arrest Agency: Arrest Officer: Offense Date/Time, Offense Description, Related Incident, Court Reference, Bail Amount, Bail Type, Arrest Location:

Ahoskie, North Carolina Jail and Mugshot Information

Ahoskie is a town located in Hertford County. According to the 2016 census, there are around 4,980 people living in this town. The current mayor is Jimmie Rowe. The Town Manager is Kerry McDuffie

Town Hall:
201 West Main Street, Ahoskie, NC 27910
Phone (252) 332-5146
Fax(252) 332-1643

Town Manager’s Office:
Cell: (252) 287-6733

As of January 2019, 25 registered sex offenders are residing in Ahoskie. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 203 to 1.

Ahoskie, North Carolina Police Station Information

The town of Ahoskie has an F rating for crime and safety. Its total crimes are lower than the state average by 10%. It is also lower than the national average by 5%. However, 97% of all US cities are considered safer. And there’s a 1 in 39 chance that a person becomes a victim of a crime in this town. Statistically, 7.17 crimes occur daily in the town for every 100,000 people. The good news is that the town’s year over year crimes has gone down by 59%.

The Ahoskie Police Department is headed by Police Chief Troy Fitzhugh. The APD is comprised mainly of three divisions – Administration, Operations, and Investigations. The Operations Division is responsible for diligently patrolling the streets of Ahoskie to prevent crime and respond to any calls for police service. The Investigations Division, on the other hand, is responsible for conducting investigations on serious crimes committed within the community.

Ahoskie Police Department:
705 W. Main Street
Ahoskie, NC 27910
Phone: (252) 332-5011
Fax: (252) 332-7694

Chief of Police:
The Hertford County Detention Center is the jail used by the Ahoskie Police Department for housing its pre-trial inmates. This medium facility has a capacity to hold 92 inmates. All inmates are allowed visitation twice a week. Visitation is held on Thursday and Sunday from 1pm to 4pm for male inmates and 4pm to 5pm for female inmates.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Ahoskie, North Carolina

The Town Clerk is responsible for the maintenance and safekeeping of official municipal records in Ahoskie. If you want to look at or get copies of public records here, you will need to submit a request to the Town Clerk’s office. The current Town Clerk is Joleatha Chestnutt.

Police Reports in Ahoskie, North Carolina

The Records Clerk of the Ahoskie Police Department is responsible for the safekeeping of all records generated by the agency. You can submit a request for a copy of a police report to the Records Clerk during business hours, Mondays through Fridays from 9am to 5pm. You can also submit a request by calling (252) 332-5012 or via mail.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster