Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Moore County Court, NC

Search for Police Arrests in Pinehurst City, North Carolina. Results may include: Age, Race, Gender, Date Confined, Street Address: City/State/Zip: Race / Gender: Age: Mugshot, Jail Facility Location: Jail POD Location: Incarceration Date/Time: Arrest Date/Time: Arrest Type: Arrest Agency: Arrest Officer: Offense Date/Time, Offense Description, Related Incident, Court Reference, Bail Amount, Bail Type, Arrest Location:

Pinehurst, North Carolina Jail and Mugshot Information

Pinehurst is a village located in Moore County. Based on the 2016 census, the village has approximately 15,945 residents. The current mayor of the village is Nancy Roy Fiorillo and the Town Manager is Jeff Sanborn.

Village Hall:
395 Magnolia Road Pinehurst, NC 28374

Mayor’s Office:

Village Manager’s Office:

In 2016, the crime index of Pinehurst was 52.9 which was much lower compared to the US average (277.5). During this year, there were no rapes, burglaries, and arson cases reported. However, there were 2 murders, 2 robberies, 2 assaults, 82 thefts, and 2 auto thefts reported. As of December 2018, 5 registered sex offenders are residing in Pinehurst. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 3,169 to 1 which is a lot smaller compared to the state average.

Pinehurst, North Carolina Police Station Information

The village of Pinehurst had a total of 135 reported incidents in 2016. The total crime rate that year for the village was 836 crimes for every 100,000 people. This was much lower compared to the state average which was 2,909 crimes for every 100,000 people. The US average at the time was also higher in comparison (2,745 crimes for every 100,000 people. Theft is the most frequently reported crime that year.

The Pinehurst Police Department is headed by Police Chief Earl Phipps who commands 22 sworn police officers, 4 dispatchers, one administrative assistance, and 6 reserve auxiliary officers. The PPD offers several programs to the community of Pinehurst including the Citizens Police Academy, the Community Watch Program, and the Citizens on Patrol program.

Pinehurst Police Department:
420 Magnolia Road
Pinehurst, NC 28374

Chief of Police:

Additional Information:
Address 1: 420 Magnolia Rd
City: Pinehurst
State: North Carolina
County: Moore County
Phone #: 910-295-3781
Fax #: 910-295-5924
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 10000
Number of Officers: 23

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Pinehurst, North Carolina

All public records in Pinehurst are in the safekeeping of the Village Clerk. Anyone can inspect or receive a copy of a public record with the exception of records that are exempt from disclosure by law. You will need to complete the Public Records Request form. You can submit the request via email or deliver it directly to the Clerk’s Office

Village Clerk’s Office:

For copies of Crash Reports from the Pinehurst Police Department, you can search the online database maintained by the agency.

Police Reports in Pinehurst, North Carolina

In a PPD Crash Report, the date, time, and location of the incident will be listed. In addition, you’ll find the details of the driver/s involved as well as the details of the owner of the vehicle/s. Moreover, a narrative as well as a diagram of the incident is provided.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster