Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Alleghany County Court, NC

Search for Police Arrests in Sparta City, North Carolina. Results may include: Age, Race, Gender, Date Confined, Street Address: City/State/Zip: Race / Gender: Age: Mugshot, Jail Facility Location: Jail POD Location: Incarceration Date/Time: Arrest Date/Time: Arrest Type: Arrest Agency: Arrest Officer: Offense Date/Time, Offense Description, Related Incident, Court Reference, Bail Amount, Bail Type, Arrest Location:

Sparta, North Carolina Jail and Mugshot Information

Sparta is a town located in Alleghany County where it also serves as the county seat. According to the 2016 census, approximately 1,727 people live in this area. The mayor is Wes Brinegar. The Town Manager is Bryan Edwards.

Town Hall:
304 S. Main Street, Sparta, NC 28675
Phone: (336) 372-4257

In 2013, the crime index of Sparta was 234.9 which was lower compared to the US average (292.2). During this year, there were no reported murders, robberies, auto thefts, and arson cases. However, there were 8 reported assaults, 1 reported rape, 3 reported burglaries, and 36 reported thefts. As of March 2019, 10 registered sex offenders are residing in Sparta. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 176 to 1.

Sparta, North Carolina Police Station Information

Sparta is rated an A for crime and safety. Its total crimes is lower compared to the North Carolina average by 53%. The US average is also higher by 50%. Statistically, 3.73 crimes happen daily in the town for every 100,000 people. The odds of a person becoming a victim of a crime here is 1 in 74. In addition, the total year over year crimes in the town has been reduced by 16%. This makes Sparta much safer in comparison to 66% of all US cities.

The Sparta Police Department is headed by Chief of Police Bob Lane. The Assistant Chief of Police and acting Detective of the SPD is Justin West. The officers of the department are responsible for providing 24/7 patrol to the community, answering calls for service, and enforcing traffic regulations. Follow-up investigations on reported incidents are handled by Assistant Chief of Police Justin West.

Sparta Police Department:
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1018, Sparta, NC 28675
Phone: (336) 372-4252
Fax: (336) 372-2624

Additional Information:
Address 1: 40 Alleghany St
City: Sparta
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 28675-9298
County: Alleghany County
Phone #: 336-372-4252
Fax #: 336-372-2624
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 2500
Number of Officers: 14

The Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office operates the county jail where the inmates of the Sparta Police Department are held. To find out what the visitation schedule is for inmates at this facility, you can get in touch with the ACSO by calling (336) 372-4455.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Sparta, North Carolina

The Town Clerk is the official custodian of all public records in Sparta. Any requests to view or obtain copies of public records are handled by this office. The current Town Clerk is Peggy Choate. For more information on public record requests, you can get in touch with her via email at

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster