Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Carteret County Court, NC

Search for Police Arrests in Atlantic Beach City, North Carolina. Results may include: Age, Race, Gender, Date Confined, Street Address: City/State/Zip: Race / Gender: Age: Mugshot, Jail Facility Location: Jail POD Location: Incarceration Date/Time: Arrest Date/Time: Arrest Type: Arrest Agency: Arrest Officer: Offense Date/Time, Offense Description, Related Incident, Court Reference, Bail Amount, Bail Type, Arrest Location:

Atlantic Beach, North Carolina Jail and Mugshot Information

Atlantic Beach is a town located in Carteret County. According to the 2016 census, approximately 1,492 people live in this area. The mayor is A. B. “Trace” Cooper, III. The Town Manager is David Walker.

Town Hall:
125 West Fort Macon Rd Atlantic Beach, NC 28512
Phone: 252 726-2121
Fax: 252-726-5115

Mayor’s Office:

Town Manager’s Office:

In 2016, the crime index of Atlantic Beach was 793.1 which was much lower than the US average (277.0). During this year, there were no reported murders and arson cases. However, there were 4 reported rapes, 1 robbery, 9 reported assaults, 42 reported burglaries, 84 reported thefts, and 4 reported auto thefts. As of March 2019, 5 registered sex offenders are residing in Atlantic Beach. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 341 to 1.

Atlantic Beach, North Carolina Police Station Information

There were a total of 115 reported incidents in Atlantic Beach in 2016. The total crime rate at the time was 7,713 crimes for every 100,000 people which was higher than the North Carolina average (2,909 crimes for every 100,000 people). It was also higher than the US average which was 2,745 crimes for every 100,000 people. Theft was the most frequently reported crime that year.

The Atlantic Beach Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency comprised of 17 employees. The ABPD is headed by Chief Harvey and embraces a community-based policing philosophy. There are several divisions within the ABPD including Patrol and Criminal Investigations. The Patrol Division is responsible for conducting routine patrols and responding to all calls for service. The Criminal Investigations Division is responsible for conducting investigating major crimes against persons and property.

Atlantic Beach Police Department:
Phone: (252) 726-2523
Non-Emergency: 252-726-1911
Fax: 252-727-0312

The Carteret County Detention Center (CCDC) is the sole jail facility in the county. It houses the pretrial inmates of the Atlantic Beach Police Department. The average daily population of this jail is 128 inmates. All inmates are allowed 1 visit per week (10 to 20 minutes) on their assigned day, which is based on their housing unit. The visiting hours are Monday through Friday from 2pm to 3pm. You can get detailed information by getting in touch with the Carteret County Sheriff’s Office at (252) 504-4832.

MondayA & B Block
WednesdayD & E Block
ThursdayC Block *female

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster

Open Records Request in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina

The Town Clerk is responsible for the safekeeping of all records pertaining to Town business. Any requests for public records are submitted to this office. The current Town Clerk is Katrina Tyer. You can get in touch with her via email at

Police Reports in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina

If you wish to obtain a copy of a police or accident report, you can get in touch with the Atlantic Beach Police Department by calling (252) 726-2523.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Jail Roster